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Aaron Brooks + Band | Rock, Psychedelic, Folk

Fr., 18. Okt.


Zauberberg gUG

Konzert • Rock, Psychedelic, Folk

Aaron Brooks + Band | Rock, Psychedelic, Folk
Aaron Brooks + Band | Rock, Psychedelic, Folk

Zeit & Ort

18. Okt. 2019, 20:00

Zauberberg gUG, Franz-Stockbauer-Weg 1, 94032 Passau, Deutschland

Über die Veranstaltung

Aaron Brooks, former singer-songwriter of the acclaimed American psychedelic rock band Simeon Soul Charger, returns to the music scene with his debut album “HOMUNCULUS.”

What others are saying:

Rocks Magazine: 7.5 / 10: "For the 13 songs he disguises 13 times without hiding his identity."

TOP RUHR: "Great solo work ... A beguiling album and a must-have!"

Empire: "The powerful and transparent production fits perfectly with the music."

Classic Rock 7/10: "Razor-sharp social criticism ... Prog-Psych-Noir"

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Normalpreis >> 16€ (AK)

Supporter-Ticket >> 18€ (AK)


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